30th July 2019

Unfamiliar Text Practise

Text A – The Soldier

  1. “There’s some corner of a foreign field that is forever England”. This quote creates the image of a field, perhaps a battlefield, somewhere in a foreign land that is not England. However, by saying that it is forever England, this indicates that maybe soldiers have died here, leaving a forever English mark.
  2. Narrator sounds proud to be of English heritage and proud to be fighting in the war.

Text B – Extract from the Birdsong

  1. “It was like a resurrection in a cemetery 12 miles long”. This phrase means that there were so many bodies that it seemed to be like a cemetery. By saying it was like a ressurection, this means that all the seemingly ‘dead’ bodies got up and came back to life. Saying it was 12 miles long potrays the magnitude of what had possibly happened and how large scale it actually was and also that there were many bodies.

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